Solo games
I really enjoy game development, and I love testing my own limits by trying new game engines and participating in game jams. There's nothing like the thrill when you just barely manage to finish your game in time!
Secret of Immortality
I work part-time in the role of Unity developer on the game Secret of Immortality of 3Dimension studio, founded by a friend of mine in Canada. This is an adventure quest set on a mystical island. We've been working on it on and off over the years, but it's mostly done now and it's coming out soon™.

Dreams and Nightmares
I joined CGDC for about 3 months to help with a Unity game Dreams and Nightmares, developed entirely by volunteers of passionate Christian gamedev community. I worked as a programmer, and helped to implement several game systems and optimizations.
LWJGL Engine
An OpenGL game engine that I created following ThinMatrix's tutorial series back in January 2019.